Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Revisions of Alphabet Essay and Midterm Examination

Hello Everyone,

Here you will find a brief discussion of both revisions you will want to complete over the next weeks and Exam One that you will take this week between Monday early morning on July 2 and Thursday at midnight, July 5.

Part One you will complete in one sitting, but for the essay in Part II, you can return to the work as often as you like while the link remains open.

You will find here two videos, a new one completed Sunday night last spring term (on March 13) and one from last year when I taught the class on Tuesday and Thursday--you can watch both, for they cover similar ground--just pay attention to the dates listed here and not on the videos..

The new one has more to say, however, about the Alphabet Essay and the first part of the examination on which you will respond to five prompts, writing six to eight sentences for each of the prompts from the list of choices you got on the assignment sheet.

In addition, you will find links to the examination on Blackboard in the folder for Week Four.

Here is the video; just scroll down to find the other video. Again, if you have time, watch both.